Men's Ministry
Men's Ministry: "a group of men actively working to live a life as Jesus taught, as Jesus said we should".
But what does that mean really? We are far from perfect. And, we all know it. And, that is what makes this work. "There is no other place I know of where I can get together with other men who all have the same questions and really try to find answers. We pick apart a reading or theme and work to understand how it applies today to me and my family. "There is no other place where men meet and really examine our Spirituality."
In 2011, St. Paul revitalized and reestablished its yearly Men's Retreat. Within a few short years, both the men who attended and the men who presented the program found that they didn't want to let go of the Spiritual Connection and ability to engage with other guys who are searching and who are on the journey. And it wasn't long before spin-off activities were started by these same men to fulfill that desire. This is how the current Men's Ministry evolved. Today, it is flourishing, it is fulfilling, it is growing, and it is UNIQUE. Most of all, it is helping us to find those answers we all seek. It is enabling us to understand and grow our Spiritual bond with our God. Lastly, the answer is YES, with the help of each other, the men are finding they are able to better understand scripture and how it applies to life today. How about you? Want to find that elusive PEACE you may be missing?